Q You need to make use of XPress Preferences; it offers some real advantages for storing kerning tables in documents, and between documents. But putting a table in Preferences is a real commitment. Documents could be using an obsolete table from months ago and you would never even know it. Why can’t you see what’s in there?
A You should be able to - It belongs to you!
Q You want to create a font suitcase file with all of the fonts for a particular job. Why should you have to look them all up in Font Usage & write down the list; then close your files, go and create a new suitcase file & laboriously assemble the members?
A All the fonts are open, and the list is right there in your computer!
Q You want to make particularly fine adjustments this time, or you’re accustomed to thinking in different units from your experience on another system. Why should you have to work in 200ths?
A Precision and flexibility are built in to the system!
Q You want to be able to use a single standard to make kerning judgements. Why should you have to think in one type of em space for QuarkXPress (the width of two zeros), and another for everybody else (nominal point size)?